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  • Adriano Rutz. Author, maintainer.

  • Pierre-Marie Allard. Contributor.


Source: inst/CITATION

Rutz A (2024). tima: Taxonomically Informed Metabolite Annotation. doi:10.5281/zenodo.5797920, R package, version 2.11.0.

  title = {tima: Taxonomically Informed Metabolite Annotation},
  author = {Adriano Rutz},
  year = {2024},
  note = {R package, version 2.11.0},
  doi = {10.5281/zenodo.5797920},

Adriano Rutz; Miwa Dounoue-Kubo; et al. (25 October 2019). Taxonomically Informed Scoring Enhances Confidence in Natural Products Annotation. Frontiers in Plant Science. 10: 1329. doi:10.3389/FPLS.2019.01329. issn:1664-462X. pmc:PMC6824209. pmid:1708947. qid:Q91218352.

  title = {Taxonomically Informed Scoring Enhances Confidence in Natural Products Annotation},
  author = {Adriano Rutz and Miwa Dounoue-Kubo and Simon Ollivier and Jonathan Bisson and Mohsen Bagheri and Tongchai Saesong and Samad Nejad Ebrahimi and Kornkanok Ingkaninan and Jean-Luc Wolfender and Pierre-Marie Allard},
  journal = {Frontiers in Plant Science},
  year = {2019},
  volume = {10},
  url = {},
  language = {en},
  keywords = {metabolite annotation, chemotaxonomy, scoring system, natural products, computational metabolomics, taxonomic distance, specialized metabolome},
  doi = {10.3389/FPLS.2019.01329},
  issn = {1664-462X},
  pmc = {PMC6824209},
  pmid = {1708947},
  qid = {Q91218352},