This function performs taxon name preparation to match the Open Tree of Life taxonomy
input = get_params(step = "prepare_taxa")$files$features$raw,
extension = get_params(step = "prepare_taxa")$names$extension,
name_features = get_params(step = "prepare_taxa")$names$features,
name_filename = get_params(step = "prepare_taxa")$names$filename,
colname = get_params(step = "prepare_taxa")$names$taxon,
metadata = get_params(step = "prepare_taxa")$files$metadata$raw,
top_k = get_params(step = "prepare_taxa")$organisms$candidates,
org_tax_ott = get_params(step =
output = get_params(step = "prepare_taxa")$files$metadata$prepared,
taxon = get_params(step = "prepare_taxa")$organisms$taxon
- input
File containing your features intensities
- extension
Does your column names contain the file extension? (mzmine mainly)
- name_features
Name of the features column in the features file
- name_filename
Name of the file name column in the metadata file
- colname
Name of the column containing biological source information
- metadata
File containing your metadata including biological source
- top_k
Number of organisms to be retained per feature top intensities
- org_tax_ott
File containing Open Tree of Life Taxonomy
- output
Output file
- taxon
If you want to enforce all features to a given taxon, put its name here.
Depending if the features are aligned between samples originating from various organisms or not, It can either attribute all features to a single organism, or attribute them to multiple ones, according to their relative intensities among the samples.
if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{
github <- ""
repo <- "taxonomicallyinformedannotation/tima-example-files/main/"
dir <- paste0(github, repo)
org_tax_ott <- paste0(
get_file(url = paste0(dir, org_tax_ott), export = org_tax_ott)
url = get_default_paths()$urls$examples$features,
export = get_params(step = "prepare_taxa")$files$features$raw
taxon = "Homo sapiens",
org_tax_ott = org_tax_ott
unlink("data", recursive = TRUE)
} # }